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Tis The Season To Make Some Changes

Christmas movies are on television, cards received in the mail, parties to plan and a chance to make arrangements for possible trips. But somehow we have lost our wonder.

Sure we decorate our homes inside and out, maybe put up an imitation pine tree or maybe purchase the real thing. However, I can't help asking myself when did we fall into the traps set out by big business?

That's right! Big business has highjacked our Christmas and we let it happen. We exhaust ourselves running all over town, shopping and over spend buying presents for people who sometimes turn right around and return them the day after they are received. Or what about the gifts that are re-gifted or never used at all, collecting dust in the corner or closet. Our neighborhoods have become decoration competitions and most of the decorations we can't even see because the lights are so bright and overcrowded. We gripe and grumble about hurt feet, no time, and the rush to keep up while dealing with massive amounts of traffic and stamped in to the store because that new "Hot Ticket" item is a must have. So we can keep up with the Jones's.

But what about the things money can't buy? Time with family and friends, baking, laughing playing a board game or telling stories, maybe even reminiscing, going through family photos and watching family videos of concerts and outings. No one seems to sing caroles anymore.

Do we truly care about the needy or sick? Are we just sending out donation checks or working in a soup kitchen, participating in food drives and clothing drives, teaching our children real life lessons? Are we starting new traditions of our own, or clinging to the ones we think we are supposed to keep because society dictates it to us? Are we honoring our loved ones who have passed on, by handing down from generation to generation the simple things they shared with us? So here is a challenge this season. Ask for something money can't buy. Embrace your true giving self by giving the same, sing a song or two and hug someone special. See what happens. You may be very surprised.

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